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Royal Canin Pure Feline No.2 Slimness – 1.5kg

Because it contributes to your cat’s beauty and particularly his or her health, it’s important to make sure that your pet’s ideal weight is maintained. A protein and fibre-rich diet with a moderate fat content supports the maintenance of a healthy weight. Royal Canin Pure Feline Slimness cat food contains delicate poultry as the only source of animal protein in the food. Poultry is an excellent source of essential amino-acids and is high in protein (42%) and low in fat (12%) for an ideal protein-calorie ratio. Phyto-nutrients are active plant-based components, whose consumption can positively influence the functions of organs. Royal Canin Pure Feline Slimness is a cat food that unites the qualities of a well-balanced and delicious diet with the advantages of plant-based active components for the health and wellness of your cat: Apple Pectin: the pectin won from apple cores bonds approx. 20 times more water than bran. It accelerates the filling of the stomach and slows the intestinal transit at the same time, which strongly checks your cat’s appetite. Furthermore, since pectin is a fiber that can ferment, the digestion in the large intestine produces bacteria that provide the necessary energy for the cells of the intestinal mucosa. Psyllium Seeds and Seed Shells: the shell of the psyllium seed is particularly rich in fibrils. These soluble fibres can absorb their weight in water multiple times over and create a gooey type of gel. Thanks to this characteristic, the stomach empties slower creating a feeling of fullness. Royal Canin Pure Feline cat food for maintaining your cat’s ideal weight – healthy nutrition with active plant-based components. With Royal Canin Pure Feline Slimness cat food, not only are your cat’s nutritional needs satisfied, but your pet also receives active plant-based components that offer positive characteristics. The consideration of feline needs combined with a substantial knowledge of active plant-based components makes it possible to effectively apply these components in order to promote the health of the animal. Most cats weigh between 3.5 and 5 kg. The signs of unhealthy weight gain can be determined through attentive observation or while petting your cat. You should be able to lightly feel ribs and spine. If the stomach already appears to have increased or if the cat has a hanging stomach, it’s definitely time to take action. After all, excess weight can increase the risk of diseases such as diabetes, skin problems, urinary stones, and joint problems. Insufficient exercise or movement and neutering are factors that can contribute to unhealthy weight gain. Not all fibres are equal. For a cat to stay slender, it’s important to incorporate multiple types of fibres, whose effects are complementary. Psyllium shells and apple pectin are a particularly effective team. Their effects combine to achieve an feeling full quicker.